Where in Dedham?

I have written about the Paul family in several previous posts, check them out if you haven’t already read them. The plaque and the object it was affixed to were a gift from Marietta Paul as stipulated in her will. Do you know where and what it is?

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6 Comments on “Where in Dedham?”

  1. Sean Gilleran Says:

    Paul Park.


  2. Brian Keaney Says:

    The fountain at Brookdale.


    • Jim Parr Says:

      You got it!


      • susanflanagan472 Says:

        This is an interesting bit of Brookdale trivia. I would pass the fountain as a kid going to school or Mass. Was the Paul family responsible for the fountain? I remember beautiful Willow trees surrounding the pond. Funny how our memories from childhood stay with us. Thank you for your wonderful posts.


      • Jim Parr Says:

        Your welcome- I love to hear all of the great Dedham memories that people share


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