Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day from Rust Craft Publishers, which made its home in Dedham from 1955-1980. I plan on doing a more detailed post on this company in the future, but for now just enjoy these vintage valentines and ads from the 50s-60s!

An aerial view of the Rust Craft plant from the late 50s
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5 Comments on “Happy Valentine’s Day!”

  1. Nancy Lally Carroll Says:

    I got that bunny card and kept it for a long time! My next door neighbor Mrs. Pike was a secretary there and would give my mother a pile of random cards all the time.


  2. Julie D'Addieco Says:

    Thanks for that memory. Rust Craft is why we lived in Dedham. My Dad worked there in the early 60’s.


  3. My whole family worked there at one portion of our lives. Mom started as an order filler and was working as inventory control at the company’s closing in PA. Dad worked as a paper cutter, reducing large sheets of cards to their end size, for several years. My brother and I worked as packers in the shipping departments for a time. After Rust Craft closed not Mom and Dad both went back to work in that same building for Commodore Computers.😁


  4. Dave (in MA) Says:

    They actually stayed open in Dedham until a few months into 1981. I was working in the EDP department when most of the factory/warehouse activity had shut down.


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